Air freight

Air freight

Air freight, or air cargo allows the transport of goods quickly by air. Shipping cargo by air has always been a high cost-to-weight form of shipment, countered by the fact that it’s the fastest way to transport goods internationally.

Air transport services are the most valuable when it comes to moving express shipments around the globe We offer reliable & hassle-free air freight options, with flexible delivery speeds & service options.

advantages of air freight
 Time – transporting goods with air freight saves time – it’s much faster than shipping, rail or road transport

 Reliable – flights generally have reliable arrival and departure times with very few delays, so the shipment of cargo by air is very likely to arrive on time

Low insurance premium
– due to the shipment duration being so short, insurance premiums on air freight are generally lower

Secure – the shipment of cargo by air is tightly managed by security, so the chance of cargo being stolen or damaged is low

Less warehousing requirements – the clearance time for air freight is fast, and there’s generally less stock to unload than that for cargo ships, so customs clearance is fast, and the need for local warehousing is much lower